This is entirely about new connections, new beginning, new insights, timeless knowledge and meeting likeminded others.
Time now to be inspired and go have some fun.
Individual Study, Coaching, Workshops, Seasonal Retreats, and New Connections (and Introductions)
Q: What's better than being 'in a good place'?
A: Being in your Best Space ... Ever!
It's time for you to have some fun with all of this, cast aside the disappointments and carve out fresh new people, things and experiences in life (and/or return to those things you love yet may have gone by the way side). This is all about being in your Best Space first, enjoying life ... and then the things you have been wanting and longing for actually find you. It is never the other way around.
Personal Coaching or Self Learning
Relationship, Life, Personal Strategy Coaching, and/or EFT. Overcoming/resolving the past, enables a fresh start.
Learn how you may have keep repeating the same things or attracting the same people or circumstances in your life. Relationships in the past may seem consciously enough resolved, yet on a subconscious level they often aren't, this accounting for not having achieved or attracted what you really want or long for.
Fresh Outlooks, Opportunities and People in Your Life
Fresh outlooks and finding new opportunities in life (as too fun) often comes from learning new things, or doing the things you love, visiting new places and/or meeting new uplifting people, and being open to wonderful new things and people. Also it is worth noting sometimes when you move on in your life to new stages you realise old friendships sometimes tend to, or need to fall away.
So This Space is also about being able to meet others in the 'same space' so to speak, that are successfully moving forwards with their life, towards what they want, not stuck, nor repeating the same mistakes, nor attracting the same harmful types of people or jobs or otherwise that don’t or have ceased to serve or fulfil you.
Let us Enable You Towards what you Truly Want, and Come Join The Space/Others
As our membership grows you will be able to meet others, expand your having fun, experiencing, laughing and learning network locally and abroad. In the very interim/meantime come to our first inaugural Conference and Cruise in Alaska (meeting in Seattle) in July 12-19 2019. If the page is not up yet please email directly. There are very few places available however and this website going live is very close to the event; so this is why it is not at all greatly publicised.
Details of the first next New Zealand Retreat will go up here in late autumn 2019.
A Non-Dating Dating Agency
Fancy others joining you in maybe your favourite interests as current friends don’t have time, aren’t interested (or you had to retire them). How about interested in non-dating dating. That dating realm is too scary for now yet you’ve got there enough to may-be go on a pre-date date, or you don't need a partner for now or at all and you are happy with your life either outright or just for now. Let us take the pressure and expectation off and introduce you to some others in that same Space.
Dating ...
As for dating, when you ready to meet the "that right someone in your life”, you can Join us here, where we can old-fashioned find out what you want, and do a match when theres a match. It's a lot safer as we know you are with us, they exist, and they want the same thing as you do.
You will know in advance they are genuine, they exist/there is reasonable certainty about who they are (as opposed to online unknowns), have overcome or at least 'more than begun' in earnest to resolve and successfully move on from past relationships, and what is important too is they are now pretty sure about what they want.
Learning and Coaching to help and bring about Wanted (Positive) Shifts and Sustainable Change in your Life
From learning here, knowing and being clear and really sound with knowing what you want (rather than being subconsciously more predominantly aware of what you don't want and too afraid or upset to think too much about what you do want), free or far freer from the past and moving forwards you will meet others with far lesser baggage, wanting the same things, and/or freer from the subconscious tinges or presence of loss, frustration, needy-ish, longing-ness (which will just be on the wane or just plain gone).
With you in this Space, you are attractive and attract others in the same more complete mindset or 'space' that you are.
As for finding that perfect relationship they have been trying to find you all this time as well. Just neither of you have been subconsciously allowing this as you've been unknowing caught up (fairly enough) in greater emotional awareness of what you don't want.
In Life You Don't get What You Want, you get What you Expect
You will soon learn here that you don't get what you want, you get what you expect (and what you allow); so what shows up in life, is ultimately a reflection of what you are aware of and what you expect is likely.
Our job here is to get you to allow what you really really want ... by being in your Best Space ... ever.