“The arranged marriage you are in, and don’t even know about”.
This book shines the spotlight on the most critical resource in your life, the marriage since birth of your intensely personal, “rational“, conscious self, and your totally impersonal, super impressionable, subconscious.
Both constituting your “mental body”, how well these two get to know each other, and really cooperate ultimately determines the extent of your opportunities, ability to navigate successfully stress, mental load and disappointment, and overall governs your physical and mental well being and satisfaction in life.
So how is your marriage? A function, use and care guide … for your marriage … made in heaven.
Training for resolving situations where one person's behaviour is adversely affecting your life of the lives of others ... and they are not being reasonable ... and the reasoning mind can't help any further, in fact its making it worse.
e.g. an ex partner, a boss, a parent, a child, partner
This is where you are able to receive training, insight and help to resolve these very difficult situations.
They are difficult situations because the mental constructs of reason and logic don't prevail, and even in a family law or legal situation the law may even be on your side yet still resolution or improvement is not coming forth. We can assist you know why, so then you can properly gain improvement.
The main tool here we offer is understanding how your non-linguistic communication i.e. your subconsciously held thoughts and feelings are being transmitted by you to others (whether you know this is happening or not, and whether you like it or not) and understanding the impact of this.
Our deeply held views, beliefs and expectations of others, and of the situations we find ourselves in are communicated to others that no amounts of acting, intended body language, action or inaction can hide. These vibrations are given out not in any language or sentence form, and also they can transcend physical distance. When thoughts are repeated a lot (frequency ... literally), alongside fairly significant emotion they produce a strong current and indeed momentum that is well and truly able to be picked up on by others without needing to directly speak, telephone or emailing needed.
To illustrate in a family law case for example this situation can often undermine a good legal strategy and costly effort, as the other party "knows" your subconsciously communicated state of essentially weakness or strength ... how far you will or won't go ... how far you will push or finally fold ... they know with great accuracy (that you have actually communicated this to them, so many times). You literally give your negotiation position away with your cards on the table subsconsciously, and it comes at a price.
In fact any time we are not knowing what to do, upset or overwhelmed (genuinely though we appreciate) and with a corresponding negative feeling we are for one giving away our power to effectively cope, and also correspondingly giving away the ability to come upon the valuable insight of what to do given the situation.
In this situation we cut ourselves off from where ideas (thoughts and feelings) come from that will actually help us. This is because, as we can only be either broadcasting thoughts and feelings, or alternatively receiving thoughts and feelings at the same time. And whatever we are tuned to we will pickup.
If you are predominantly aware on the problem in your life (consciously or subconsciously) you are cutting yourself off from solution. Having your subconscious in a comfortable place irrespective of troubles to receive good ideas and impulses is the art and what is required, and is what we help with.
Another aspect of functionality we loose too is the ability to be properly heard, listened to, understood or taken seriously. Even when proposing good solutions, good reasoning and logic.
This is again because when latent and laden strong thoughts and feelings (judgement especially) subconsciously under-pins our (even sensible) words and actions we stand not to be "heard" by others, or heard effectively because people "hear/receive/pickup" what is unconsciously communicated first and predominantly. Just like people are able to read others body language and trust that over words so too, even more especially here. This is what is "heard" upon first ... and if its not to someone's liking they will often tune out or just not be capable of hearing (not on the same frequency of thought as you, again, not on the same frequency). Even though we may not be speaking our mind our mind is speaking for us silently and more effectively (often to our detriment in these cases). This overall is often strong enough to literally preclude others hearing us even when we are speaking with great reason, logic, honesty, integrity, conviction and the list will go on.
So in summary we can assist with basic or advanced training if you want to improve these valuable outcomes in either personal, business or home life:
1) the constructiveness of the relationship with that someone difficult,
2) improve your ability (communication skills) to be better "heard" and listened to, and especially
3) get better and faster at enabling your access to to have good solutions during testing times; and
4) make far more constructive and better decision making.